What Is Brick Pointing Repair?

Almost every masonry contractor Brooklyn will tell you that they are conversant with and even experts in every kind of masonry work. But if you have any experience of getting masonry work done, you would know that there are several aspects to masonry work, and not all contractors can be experts in every aspect.

The biggest reason is that every city has its own set of regulations for different types of construction, and only those masonry contractors Queens NY with adequate experience would know what exactly needs to be done. For example, if we consider the city of New York, there are specific rules governing the construction as well as the demolition of sidewalks. In fact, there is also a licensing requirement for a contractor to be able to do it.

Similarly, brick pointing NY is another area of masonry work which cannot be done by all contractors. It requires specific knowledge and experience on the part of the contractor, which would ensure that the work was done not only leaves the structure look better after the restoration work, but also doesn’t take anything away from its structural strength.

Let us take a look at the process of brick pointing Queens NY first. This is carried out on structures which have external facades made of brick. Over time, these structures get lots of debris in the joints between adjacent bricks. This debris could be made of paint, dried and powdered mortar, dust and other impurities. They make the joints of the brickwork very unstable and the structure becomes weak, and also looks bad.

When the process of brick pointing is begun, the first thing that is done by the brick pointing contractors in Queens NY is to use pressure washing to clear all the debris away. This involves the use of a high-pressure water pump with a nozzle at the end of the pipe. Once water is directed at the joints under high pressure, all the debris gets washed out.

After this, a fresh mortar paste is made with the help of cement, sand, lime and water, and it is carefully applied in the joints and then allowed to dry. Once the joint lines are carefully made again after drying, the building’s façade is restored to its original beauty. The number of buildings with a brickwork exterior is reducing, but for those that still exist, brick pointing is a very useful procedure to restore their looks.